jueves, mayo 16, 2024
Breaking News

In response to the needs and demands of vulnerable people in Atizapán, AMVS, Grupo Modelo and Rotarians support the municipality and deliver hearing aids / @Pedro_RVillegas @GobAtizapan >>>

#Atizapán, #Edoméx.- The Government of Atizapán de Zaragoza, through the Municipal DIF System, together with the MVS Radio Foundation, Grupo Modelo and the Club Rotarios Renacimiento

Satélite delivered 30 hearing aids to vulnerable population, which will allow them to improve their quality of life and their social and family communication.

At the delivery of the sound amplifiers, the Municipal President of Atizapán de Zaragoza, Pedro Rodríguez Villegas, thanked the collaboration of private companies and the Club Rotarios Renacimiento Satélite for changing people’s lives and motivating their social and family inclusion.

«Today is a day to celebrate, it is very important to join wills, the government cannot do it alone and today we see how great things can be done when there is the will to join the private initiative, civil associations and the government and allow us to support the community,» said Rodriguez Villegas.

For his part, the General Director of MVS Educación, Jorge Andrés Vázquez Lara, was enthusiastic about working with authorities and civil associations and highlighted that, throughout its history, the MVS Radio Foundation has delivered more than 30 thousand hearing aids that have changed people’s lives by restoring their sense of hearing.

«It is an honor to close the year with this delivery and what better than through these co-investments between private initiative, business foundations and, of course, municipal authorities. This is what multiplies our efforts. These devices are going to change their lives so that they can have a work and family inclusion,» said Vázquez Lara.

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